Paratissima Lisboa: coming soon!

After Macedonia, we joined with Portugal in order to follow our dream to create a link from the the Atlantic Ocean to the Banlcans, passing through Turin, in the name of emerging art.

After one year of work and meetings we are ready: the first edition of ParaLisboa is scheduled from July 23rd-25th 2016 thanks to the collaboration with Portuguese cultural association Ebano Collective. ParaLisboa will be inspired by ‘old style’ Paratissima: it will be spread over the central areas of Lisboa’s historic centre. The festival will be held inside shops, vacant areas, streets and alleys… It will be a proper ‘return to the past’, back to the San Salvario days… But in Portugal.

Our friends at Ebano will tour Torino Esposizioni. They will experience Paratissima’s atmosphere and they will have the occasion to publicly dispay their project and they will select, among Paratissima’s participants, the artists that will be able to exhibit at Lisboa, free of charghes. Torino and Skopje welcome their ‘little sister’!


Focus on

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Scopri Art Production →
